Monday, January 10, 2011

Lepto Vaccine Side Effect Vaccine

ARCHITECT ON LINE: A good solution for a project general architectural or a furniture project

In a previous post I mentioned that my office has, in recent times, begun to provide advice on line through the A ' activity that is offering to all my team great satisfaction: many Internet users have shown interest in the service requesting information and many contacts have been transformed into offices.
Finding space for a second bathroom, how to handle the heights of the premises to create a loft, where he deriving a pantry, how to arrange the furniture in the living room ... these are some of the questions that are submitted. Many come from people who want ideas to streamline your home spaces, by others who, before buying an apartment, want to know the possibilities of transformation and / or furniture in relation to their needs.
In fact, a advice online can be a great opportunity for those who want to a consultation at short notice and with significant cost savings.
To avoid misunderstanding, however, is important that those who rely on advice from a distance, to know that:
1) can not expect to receive a final architectural plan, but only a preliminary project , the designer develops according to information received by the customer.
2) to optimize the outcome of the consultation, will be more accurate in providing the professional all the elements necessary to perform at their best work (a plan with at least two perpendicular measures and possibly photos of both interior and exterior).
the customer will be more generous with information, the project will respond more effectively to the needs and will in fact be feasible.


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