Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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saves space in the bedroom read

bed loft yen Cinius

space for the bedroom is often content is inevitable, then, strive to optimize. Here are some suggestions : first, obvious, noted, choose a bed of small size , with base as wide as the mattress. Avoiding those with a protruding edge or important tests you'll save precious centimeters! models are very functional with storage compartment in which store blankets, sheets and duvets, but also such bags and suitcases.
So, I recommend to maximize the vertical space , possibly choosing cabinets to the ceiling, or, if the height of the space allows, to consider the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a loft allowing the housing of the bed in top of the room, leaving the space below, where you can create a sort of closet.
Finally, try to get some niche in the walls: a good solution to increase the space available, for example by establishing a library.


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